Visions for Dunedin: Our Heritage, Our Future
Urban Archaeology: life in the inner city
25 Sept 2024, 5:30 pm
Dunedin City Library, 230 Moray Place, Central Dunedin, Dunedin 9054, New Zealand
Speakers: Bree Wooller (Senior archaeologist at New Zealand Heritage Properties), and Megan Lawrence (Principal Archaeologist at New Zealand Heritage Properties)
The new Dunedin Hospital Development has led to the archaeological investigation of several inner-city blocks, which were once the location of densely packed dwellings interspersed with commercial and industrial premises. Ongoing archaeological excavations, conducted by New Zealand Heritage Properties, have encountered a range of features and deposits associated with the nineteenth-century settlement of the site. Many of the site’s occupants were first-generation settlers who created new lives for themselves upon their arrival to the city - while some prospered, others fell victim to hardship. This presentation will explore the lives of individual occupants discussing how they came to be living on the block, what they left behind in the archaeological record, and where they ended up - generally buried in either Dunedin's Northern or Southern cemetery.
Dunningham Suite | 4th Floor | City Library
Free | Koha